PMP Training, Tutor Conflux

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  • PMP® Overview
  • What is PMP® Certification
  • Why PMP® Certification
  • Who are Eligible for PMP®
  • PMP® Exam Format
  • PMP® Exam Changes
  • PMP® Exam Tips
  • Courses Offered

PMP® Exam Format as per PMI®

You need to answer 200 multiple choice questions in 4 hours. 25 pre-test questions are randomly placed throughout the test to gather statistical information in order to determine whether they may be used in future examinations. These 25 pre-test items are included in the 200-question examination, but will not be included in the pass/fail determination. Candidates will be scored on 175 questions.

All of the test questions are in the multiple choice format with 4 options. There is only one correct answer. You are required to select one answer.

Passing score is 61% for which one needs to get 106 right answers out of 175. Grading system: Proficient, moderately Proficient, below Proficient. A candidate can have a score of below Proficient in up to 2 processes max.

The PMP® exam questions format at tutor conflux is as follows:

Previous Question: If you want to go to previous question, click on the "Previous Question" button.

Next Question: After you select the answer, you click on "Next Question" button to go to the next question

Marked for Review: If you are not sure about your answer, Select "Mark for Review" button to review the question later.

Review: Click "Review" button to review each question status and marked questions.

Grade Exam: This is the final step after you finish all the questions, you will see your score and Pass or Fail after you clink on this button.